Ahlaam Delange

Ahlaam Delange (they/them) is a director, writer, and producer based in Chicago. Delange explores empathy, adventure, discovery, and platonic Black love in film by championing Black intersectional stories. Their work employs immersive worlds and layered characters who come to terms with the complexities of their lives, legends, and the process of self-actualization. These films challenge cultural monoliths about gender roles in Black and Desi communities by drawing from their life experience as a first-generation Coloured South African, Black, Desi, Muslim, Queer growing up in a rural town in Texas. They hope to validate the experiences of people of similar marginalized identities and relieve feelings of isolation through on-screen visibility.

Recently, Delange was a Showrunner’s Assistant for John Wells Productions and MGM+ Emperor of Ocean Park, which will be released in July 2024. They are currently a part of the 2024 Filmmaker’s Mixtape Challenge Cohort, curated by director Briana Clearly, where they produce and direct a short film every month for 2024.